Thursday, February 28, 2002


Daniel Pearl is dead.

The suspense is over.

Somewhere in the gutters off the dusty bylanes of Karachi or under a freshly dug up mound of soil hastily covered with scrap in a junkyard, lies a rotting body devoid of its head that banks on the laws of probability to be discovered and maybe even identified.

"I am a Jew. My mother is a Jew." Last words uttered in a dingy room before a camera bleeding in the poor light. It was then that the unidentified person with his back facing the camera entered the scene to slash Daniel's throat and spill another kafir’s lifeblood. The infidel had paid with his life. In the crusade against the impure faiths, the Devil’s Alliance - Christianity-Judaism-Hinduism had been beaten one more time.

Enmeshed in the search to recover a man alive was the political gamesmanship that Pakistan played. The kidnappers of Daniel had high-level contacts with certain top-level functionaries in the Indian Government it was said. However these functionaries did not have names and therefore could not be released. When it was pointed out that Omar Sheik, the mastermind behind the abduction was a terrorist released in exchange for the hostages of the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight to Kandahar, the Pakistani’s came up with another fantastic theory – Omar Sheik was an Indian double agent!!!

The story of terror is just getting murkier and better.

But rejoice! Daniel Pearl is dead!!!

Why rejoice?

In these times of terror every bit of rejoicment is welcome.

And Daniel's death has brought in its wake, some good things to rejoice over.

Rejoice! The Judeo-Christian alliance is going after the wrecker-in-chiefs, the terror manufacturers of the Islamic world (even those who dared spill Daniel's blood.)

Rejoice! The Indian State's claim has been proved right (Its not always that the world listens to us.) We are indeed victims of imported cross border terrorism from Pakistan.

Rejoice! The newest kid on the terrorist block, Pakistan, has been legitimized by the "Giver-of-the morality-certificate", the USA (If you can't beat 'em join 'em...!)

Rejoice! Our leaders have assured us that the Indian nation and its lives are of paramount importance and will be guarded at any cost (Phew, finally they agree!)

Rejoice! Rejoice for the sake of rejoicing. For tomorrow, you might be dead - the victim of a terror attack...


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